Does Your Dog Point? Wordless Wednesday
by Christy Caplan
January 31, 2017

All three of our dogs point all the time – do you dogs point when they’re on a scent?
(I’m trying to make these wordless posts… so this is almost wordless)
This is a blog hop! Happy hopping!
Mine don’t really. They might hold up a foot if they are getting ready to pounce, thinking hard, or if the ground is cold. But they aren’t really pointing like a bird dog.
I love when they’re about to pounce. I’m not sure Sherm is really pointing like a bird dog either – and I didn’t just catch him in that position for a second!
Neither of mine point but they are both super sniffers!
I wasn’t sure if all dogs just pointed on occasion – I bet they are awesome sniffers and ratters!
Humphrey can only ‘point’ to the dog treats. Our boys do have a habit of whacking us with their paws when they want something though.
Ha! That’s amazing – I get whacked when my dogs want me to get out of bed!
We do point, but not always. Usually it is on walks when we smell a critter, but don’t see it.
Same, I thought maybe your guys were pointers but I wasn’t sure. Mostly like your three, ours have noses to the ground all the time!
What a great photo! I just love that beautiful jacket, it fits so well with this scene. My dogs do not point at all. Once in awhile I will point at something and they’ll get what I mean, but overall pointing isn’t really their thing. I think it’s a breed trait.
Love & Biscuits,
Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them
Thank YOU! That jacket is this sweet little Fuzzie Fleece. Lately we’ve been putting these on the dogs a lot. I like to think when I point they get it – not all together sure they do though! lol.
Mine don’t point at all. Personally, I don’t mind wordy wordless Wednesdays.
Me neither – sometimes I feel like posting something wordy and then other times a few pics will do!
Although the boys THINK they’re scent hounds, they do point occasionally. Actually, now that I think of it, I think I’ve only seen Charlie do it. I find it adorable when dogs do it that don’t always point. 🙂
Me too! It’s kind of out of character for Sherm so when he does it I try and capture it — I’d love to see Charlie point!
You know, Max never points, but yesterday was his first day with a personal trainer and he kept pointing at the trainer.
Oh my gosh! How funny is that? That trained must have smelled pretty good!
My little flat-faced kids don’t point at all. They might swivel their little ears at a sound, and they can certainly point their bodies at a sound, but no pointing with foot up. Not in their blood, I suppose.
Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie
Your flat-faced kids are super adorable – and I bet when their ears perk up it’s fun to watch. 🙂 Pics please!
All the time!
It’s those Doxies!! lol!
What a great pic!
My dogs has never pointed. I wish he would. I do nose work with Jedi. I’ve taught him to sit or down (depending on location) when he finds the target odor. A point like that would be a perfect indicator at nose work trial. I’d get it every time.
Thank you so much! It feels really random for our three to be pointing since they’re hounds but I catch them in the act! I didn’t know you did nosework too! And you’ve shaped an alert!!!! We’re still working on our alerts but Sherm now looks at me. We’re doing a match Saturday!
Ruby doesn’t point. She hardly barks and doesn’t even like the outdoors all that much. We think she might be part cat!