Archive for the 'Other Dog-related Sports ' Category

How To Make Time To Train Your Dog
When do I get to come out of this crate! When’s my turn at nosework!? Below is a snapshot of my calendar from last week. Things were… well a little nuts. I think most folks at this point know that...

Benefits of Swimming: Young & Old Dogs
Why Swimming Rocks During The Winter: I know I have been a broken record when it comes to winter activities but I’m now taking both the doxies to a swim facility for dogs once a week. I don’t know why...

Understanding Odor: Interesting Facts About Your Dog’s Nose
As a student of Nosework, I’m fascinated with the subject of how a canine’s nose works. I thought it would be fun to share what I’ve learned from some leading experts. We talk about this all the time during my...

Walter’s Fourth Birthday: Kindness to Animals
Acts of kindness this month? Looking for ways to enrich your dog? In celebration of Walter’s birthday month I wanted to share some ideas! Place kibble or treats inside muffin tins and cover them with tennis balls – voila! puzzle...

Recall: Practice Makes Perfect
Walter on his long lead and ready to train! Tips for how to begin recall training! This is a work in progress with Walter (three years old). Shermie (eight years old) and Bruiser (12 years old) have decent recall but...

Nosework: Passed the Anise Odor Recognition Test!
Nosework practice kits…yes, those are pizza boxes. About five years ago, I discovered Nosework. I finally found an activity my reactive dog, Shermie, could participate in without the stress of being in a class with other dogs. I was...

My Dog’s Yelp Review: Our Trip on Mt. Hood
The pack: Bruiser: 12 year old doxie, nickname Bruisy or “the warrior” Walter: 3 year old doxie, nickname Walty or “monster” Shermie: 8 year old beagle/basset hound or a.k.a. “crazy mixed breed” Bruiser: “Highs but more lows” — Well, we...

Hunting for Mushrooms: Truffles?
Planning to truffle hunt with your dogs this season? Truffle hunting: Could become a great sport for the pack and you don’t need a Lagotto Romagnolo The breed known for truffle hunting is the: Lagotto Romagnolo – a breed from...

Mt. Hood with Dogs: One of the Seven Wonders
The Pacific Crest trail on Mt. Hood has one of the best hikes in all of Oregon. All three of the dogs were able to hike in 3-4 miles with no issues. You start at Timberline and enter near the...

Wiener Races in Portland: Unleash the Hounds
A MUST ATTEND event: Portland Mercury’s annual Dogs’ Day of Summer event. I attended this past weekend and there is no question that this event was not only enjoyed by hundreds of people in Portland but 80 doxies were registered to...
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