Archive for the 'Hiking Trips ' Category

Wordless Wednesday: Haystack Rock
A Tuesday at Haystack Rock…..with the hounds. This is Cannon Beach near Portland, Oregon. Hike near the Haystack rocks! What are you doing this weekend?

Lost Pet Prevention Month: Murphy’s Law on Vacation
PetHub Digital ID tag on Walty: there are tons of cute patterns (they have QR collars too) Murphy’s Law on Vacation: #sponsored You’ve been waiting for this trip to the coast for months and vacationing with your dogs is on your...

Training tools: Harnesses, Halty’s, Headcollars
Every day the dog’s “walking” gear waits by the door. For each dog, this means something different. For Walter, this is his harness with a front clip. For Bruiser, this is his collar. And for Shermie, this is also a...

Tips for Dog Adventures in Forest Park: Guest Post
SIX TIPS FOR DOG ADVENTURERS IN FOREST PARK I’m so happy to share a post from Darcie Meihoff, FPC Board Member, this week about tips when walking your dog in Forest Park. Forest Park is a beautiful park in Portland, Oregon....

LOST: On the Salmon River Trail
Has this ever happened to you when you’re hiking with your dogs? This is a true story followed by some important tips about what to do if this happens to you: From how I imagine Shermie felt… So, we...

Beyond Squeaky Toys: A Review & Quick Tips
I attended a workshop hosted by a local Portland Vet Specialist that focused on behavior last week. Authors Nicole Nicassio-Hiskey of the Oregon Zoo and Cinthia Alia Mitchell from Doggone Fun! Doggy Daycare Center wrote a book about dog and cat enrichment as...

Salmon River Trail Hike: Dogs and Salmon Are Running
A lazy September day we decided to hike the Salmon River trail and saw a group of Salmon headed upstream. We were told by another hiker that they have been there for days waiting to swim up the river and...