Archive for the 'Rescue/Shelter Work ' Category

Giving Back to Portland, Ore. Animal Rescues
Resource: Before the Caplan pack was Walter, Shermie and Bruiser, it was Jack and Sandy. My brother-in-law found our dog Jack beneath a car in L.A. and our dog after that Sandola, was found at a local animal rescue...

Disaster Preparedness: 911 Tips from Hills Pet Nutrition
The Arizona Humane Society spoke at our BlogPaws VIP luncheon (#Hills #PetPreparedness) Josie Kirk-Pagel, Hills and Arizona Humane Society EAMT/animal cruelty investigator at BlogPaws. Can you take care of your pet during an emergency! Every 23 seconds, a fire department...

Prevention of Animal Cruelty: Guest Blogger Cynthia Hernandez
Sherm: adopted from Oregon Humane Society (why? Neglect, no time for him, couldn’t be potty trained…..) Protecting animals from cruelty is a mission every dog blogger shares. Whether it’s putting a stop to animal fighting or fighting puppy mills –...