Archive for the 'Health and Wellness ' Category

Darwins Review: Fresh Food, Raw Diets & Green Tripe
*this is beef vs. Green Tripe but the packaging is the same… Green Tripe or “Super Food” for the Caplan Trio (#sponsored) We serve Darwin’s fresh food twice a day. We rotate between beef, chicken and turkey. Today we tried Green...

Energy Healing for Animals: An Interview with Author, Joan Ranquet
An interview with Joan Ranquet: “Energy Healing for Animals”, a must read book for all animal lovers I devoured Joan’s book in one weekend. All the sections I loved were marked up and there are stickies everywhere. I was lucky...

Prevention of Animal Cruelty: Guest Blogger Cynthia Hernandez
Sherm: adopted from Oregon Humane Society (why? Neglect, no time for him, couldn’t be potty trained…..) Protecting animals from cruelty is a mission every dog blogger shares. Whether it’s putting a stop to animal fighting or fighting puppy mills –...

Why Do Dogs Eat Grass? Lessons I’ve Learned…
Discomfort? Eating a lot in large amounts? Just like the taste? Most vets I’ve asked about eating grass – say generally speaking it’s OK if our dogs eat a little but grass. Today on a hike, Walter couldn’t get enough...

Natural Remedies for Dog Emergencies: The Two D’s
Did Shermie get into something he shouldn’t of? Natural remedies for diarrhea – be prepared for an emergency Since April is Pet First Aid Month, I wanted to continue posts on this topic. Dehydration and Diarrhea go hand in hand....

Kaleb’s Organics Dog Treats: Crunchy and Delicious
Bruiser enjoying delicious Blueberry pie treats Blueberry Pie -post dinner snack Kaleb’s Organic Treats: A Review of Three Flavors (but there are more!) Kaleb’s Organics Dog Treats are made in Vermont and baked with 100% USDA certified organic ingredients. Their...

Pet Poison Prevention Month (Series) Part Two: Scary Plants
As we celebrate St. Patty’s Day, I was thinking about a doing a post that highlights green food and plants dogs should stay away from but there just weren’t enough green items in the list! So part two of the...

Orijen, Solid Gold, Lamb and Beef Treats: Chewy Time!
Bruiser demanding delicious treats! Orijen is Shermie’s favorite! Walter checking out his monthly box! The box arrived and well the treats barely lasted one week. We absolutely love these two brands and used these for Nosework training and puzzle...