Archive for the 'Featured ' Category

A Mellow Dog is a Good Dog
Do you have techniques and a relaxation program for your dogs? And you don’t need a beach but it helps to burn energy. Our pack just does better when they’re tired (that’s both a mental and physical “tired”). Whether you...

The Holidays, Stress & Probiotics for Animals
#ad Remember! All my readers can receive 10% off by using this coupon code-mylifewdogs when you check out. (I do get a few pennies if you buy something from Imagilin). Holiday Stress and Probiotics! The holidays present a lot of stress...

Ear Cleaning Tips: A Q&A with Natural Paws founder, Elyse Horvath
#ad Do you have a dog that needs ongoing ear cleanings? Shermie has a “yeast” issue – I clean his ears once a week to fight any brewing infections. There are times throughout the year that we end up visiting the...

Giving Back to Portland, Ore. Animal Rescues
Resource: Before the Caplan pack was Walter, Shermie and Bruiser, it was Jack and Sandy. My brother-in-law found our dog Jack beneath a car in L.A. and our dog after that Sandola, was found at a local animal rescue...

Holidays, Hounds and Hot Buys: Holistic Giveaway Items
Below is a review and some pics of the products and brands in the Holistic give-away! Eezapet Anti-Itch cream for Bruisy! This has been nice holistic alternative for Bruisy’s interdigital cysts. He licks a lot less! Have you seen these...

Holidays, Hounds and Hot Buys!
My Life With Dogs PDX received many of the products in this guide for an honest review. We did not receive monetary compensation to review/promote this product. We only accept products that we...

Pack Post: What We’re Thankful For
I’m thankful for many things this year but what are the dogs thankful for? Let’s ask them! Walter: I’m thankful for time with Dad this weekend. Spending quality time on long walks is the best thing on this planet! Bruiser:...

Shermie’s Lumpectomy: Post Surgery Tips
Shermie had a growth removed this week. It was angry and ulcerating – it was time for it to go. So! I wanted to share some tips now that Shermie is home and resting comfortable. At first, it looked like...

Positive Training: The Basics About Nosework
My friend Vicky and her sweet Cairn Terrier is a NW3 dog! This is from our class on Tuesday nights. Boxes used for at home container searches! Q-tips have odors birch and anise on them and box has holes in...