Archive for the 'Featured ' Category

Energy Healing for Animals: An Interview with Author, Joan Ranquet
An interview with Joan Ranquet: “Energy Healing for Animals”, a must read book for all animal lovers I devoured Joan’s book in one weekend. All the sections I loved were marked up and there are stickies everywhere. I was lucky...

Prevention of Animal Cruelty: Guest Blogger Cynthia Hernandez
Sherm: adopted from Oregon Humane Society (why? Neglect, no time for him, couldn’t be potty trained…..) Protecting animals from cruelty is a mission every dog blogger shares. Whether it’s putting a stop to animal fighting or fighting puppy mills –...

Wordless Wednesday: Bruisy…Murals
Text message exchange before this pic was taken with Bruiser: <Bruiser> It’s ok I’m not going to Nosework today, I need to protect the couch and my Lazy-Boy chair this afternoon. <me> Ok, but I feel badly. Walter needs the...

Wordless Wednesday: National Puppy Day
Walter four years ago! Sweet Walter when we used to feed him out of Puzzle Toys! FOUR years ago – my sweet munchkin!

Zombie Apocalypse with Hounds: Tips for Survival
In celebration of the return of the Walking Dead – which we are HUGE fans of, please enjoy these Tips for Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse with your hounds: #TWD #1 Determine Your Weapon of Choice Not everyone prefers the same weapon. Whether...

Leashpod: Pick Up Your Poop with Dignity
Spending on pets in the United States continues to grow, according to the American Pet Products Association, with 2015 U.S. spending – at $60.59 billion – up 4.4 percent from the previous year. So it’s no surprise, we’re seeing a...

Wordless Wednesday: Nosework with Walt
This is a Blog Hop! Read more about other Nosework adventures!

Pet Poison Prevention Month: A Four Part Series
Poison Prevention Month: Protecting your pets from common household poisons What do you do if you think your companion animal swallowed something toxic or accidentally ate something you dropped from your purse? A pill perhaps? A piece of gum? This...