Archive for the 'Toy Reviews ' Category

Holidays, Hounds and Hot Buys: Holistic Giveaway Items
Below is a review and some pics of the products and brands in the Holistic give-away! Eezapet Anti-Itch cream for Bruisy! This has been nice holistic alternative for Bruisy’s interdigital cysts. He licks a lot less! Have you seen these...

Holidays, Hounds and Hot Buys!
My Life With Dogs PDX received many of the products in this guide for an honest review. We did not receive monetary compensation to review/promote this product. We only accept products that we...

Chewy Review: Puzzle Toys & Primal Treats
Top things to do on a rainy day? Puzzle toys are high on our list and it poured rain all weekend. #sponsored I tested the Outward Hound Star Spinner with Walter and it’s super cool with three layers and a...

Wordless Wednesday: New Puzzle Toys
We received this Nina Ottoson Puzzle toy from Outward Hound in our BarkBox last weekend. We have a lot of puzzle toys as they keep the dogs busy while I make their breakfast and busy dogs are well behaved dogs....

Holiday Stockings: Last Minute Ideas
This is a very last minute list of stocking stuffers for your four legged friends. From dog cookie jars to my favorite new Kong product that I’d be lost without, I compiled a quick list of my favorites. You had...

Beyond Squeaky Toys: A Review & Quick Tips
I attended a workshop hosted by a local Portland Vet Specialist that focused on behavior last week. Authors Nicole Nicassio-Hiskey of the Oregon Zoo and Cinthia Alia Mitchell from Doggone Fun! Doggy Daycare Center wrote a book about dog and cat enrichment as...

Enrichment for Doxie Puppies: Lessons from Experts
I was lucky enough to spend an afternoon with my friend Laura who is the guardian of a litter of Goodwood puppies – this is a Huti/Fifa litter and they are adorable. Laura created a puppy enrichment area to help...

National Dog Week: Throwback Thursday & Puzzle Toys
In celebration of National Dog Week, I’m posting a video of Walter as a puppy getting his breakfast out of his puzzle toy. I read an article in Whole Dog Journal this week about ways to be a better pet...