Archive for the 'Cool dog stuff ' Category

The Ghost “Dog” Network: A Halloween Post
*caption: Since Walter is wearing his Day of the Dead bandana it seemed appropriate for this post! I believe in ghosts. Sometimes I think the dogs I’ve lived with over the years that are no longer with us, follow me...

K-9 Nosework Classes: with Sherm and Walter
First, why did I get into K-9 Nosework? Two words – reactive dog. I live with not one but TWO reactive dogs. Shermie has always been reactive, I’m not sure what happened with Walter. This morning, a large dog (likely...

Life in Portland, A Good Choice: Vacation Tips for Dog Parents
My Vacation is not complete… unless my dogs are with me. As summer is officially wrapped up, I wanted to recap the adventures we were on with the dogs including our September Mt. Hood vacation. I’m throwing in safety tips...

Itch Relief: Shampoo Reviews
Dr. Shawn’s Shampoo Review: Before Whole Dog Journal called this brand out as a top pick I had used the Itch Relief shampoo on Shermie. It’s one of the BEST shampoo brands I’ve stumbled across and it’s all natural ingredients....

Old Dog Sanctuary: How Deep Is Your Love
*Yes the title is from a pop song I like to listen to… “How Deep Is Your Love” by Calvin Harris… Someone asked me what my dream job is and I said “to run an old dog sanctuary” on a...

Enrichment for Doxie Puppies: Lessons from Experts
I was lucky enough to spend an afternoon with my friend Laura who is the guardian of a litter of Goodwood puppies – this is a Huti/Fifa litter and they are adorable. Laura created a puppy enrichment area to help...

National Dog Week: Throwback Thursday & Puzzle Toys
In celebration of National Dog Week, I’m posting a video of Walter as a puppy getting his breakfast out of his puzzle toy. I read an article in Whole Dog Journal this week about ways to be a better pet...

Labor Day Field Trials: Walter meets his grandfather, Odin
Labor Day weekend was full of Doxie related activities. I always take Walter for our club’s Field Trials at least twice a year. Dachshund Fanciers of Southwestern Washington puts on Field Trials, Earth Dog events and fun activities everyone can enjoy...