Archive for the 'Cool dog stuff ' Category

Kaleb’s Organics Dog Treats: Crunchy and Delicious
Bruiser enjoying delicious Blueberry pie treats Blueberry Pie -post dinner snack Kaleb’s Organic Treats: A Review of Three Flavors (but there are more!) Kaleb’s Organics Dog Treats are made in Vermont and baked with 100% USDA certified organic ingredients. Their...

Pet Poison Prevention Month (Series) Part Two: Scary Plants
As we celebrate St. Patty’s Day, I was thinking about a doing a post that highlights green food and plants dogs should stay away from but there just weren’t enough green items in the list! So part two of the...

Wordless Wednesday: Nosework Title #NACSW
Nosework is SUCH a fun sport. After years of hard work, we walked away with our L1NW Container title this weekend. Walter killed it! This is a Blog Hop!

Orijen, Solid Gold, Lamb and Beef Treats: Chewy Time!
Bruiser demanding delicious treats! Orijen is Shermie’s favorite! Walter checking out his monthly box! The box arrived and well the treats barely lasted one week. We absolutely love these two brands and used these for Nosework training and puzzle...

Zombie Apocalypse with Hounds: Tips for Survival
In celebration of the return of the Walking Dead – which we are HUGE fans of, please enjoy these Tips for Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse with your hounds: #TWD #1 Determine Your Weapon of Choice Not everyone prefers the same weapon. Whether...

Wordless Wednesday: Adventures with “N”
This is a Blog Hop! And this is from our adventures with The Tenacious Little Terrier last week!

Did You Feed the Dog? A Solution to Obesity
Don’t overfeed your dog because of miscommunication. Many dog parents – even loving, informed ones – ignore or are in denial about their pet’s weight issues. But it’s a huge issue: according to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, an estimated...

Leashpod: Pick Up Your Poop with Dignity
Spending on pets in the United States continues to grow, according to the American Pet Products Association, with 2015 U.S. spending – at $60.59 billion – up 4.4 percent from the previous year. So it’s no surprise, we’re seeing a...

Wordless Wednesday: Nosework with Walt
This is a Blog Hop! Read more about other Nosework adventures!