Archive for the 'Cool dog stuff ' Category

Darwins Review: Fresh Food, Raw Diets & Green Tripe
*this is beef vs. Green Tripe but the packaging is the same… Green Tripe or “Super Food” for the Caplan Trio (#sponsored) We serve Darwin’s fresh food twice a day. We rotate between beef, chicken and turkey. Today we tried Green...

Wordless Wednesday: Bow Ties
\ I’m declaring Wednesday as bow-tie day for dogs! This is the newest Skull & Crossbones bow-tie we added to our growing collection. Yes – I’ve lost my mind…happy hump day! Does your dog wear bow-ties?

Teckelklub K9|essential Supercoat: A Review
A review of the K9|essential Supercoat: After a few days of unexpected hot weather, spring showers are back. So I tested Teckelklub’s K9|essential Supercoat this past weekend when we went to the Wooden Tulip Festival. Walter is really active so...

Spring Showers Bring May Flowers: A Poem by Mary Oliver
A Mary Oliver Poem: to start out your week: I have to travel in early May, so I’ve been thinking about this poem: CONVERSATIONS: from Dog Songs I had to go away for a few days so I called the...

Energy Healing for Animals: An Interview with Author, Joan Ranquet
An interview with Joan Ranquet: “Energy Healing for Animals”, a must read book for all animal lovers I devoured Joan’s book in one weekend. All the sections I loved were marked up and there are stickies everywhere. I was lucky...

Wordless Wednesday: The Mountain is Out
Upper left corner you can see Mt. Hood (barely). In Oregon, when you can see Mt. Hood, we all say “the mountain is out today!” So when we passed a popular viewing area we immediately took the opportunity to snap...

Prevention of Animal Cruelty: Guest Blogger Cynthia Hernandez
Sherm: adopted from Oregon Humane Society (why? Neglect, no time for him, couldn’t be potty trained…..) Protecting animals from cruelty is a mission every dog blogger shares. Whether it’s putting a stop to animal fighting or fighting puppy mills –...

Wordless Wednesday: Bruisy…Murals
Text message exchange before this pic was taken with Bruiser: <Bruiser> It’s ok I’m not going to Nosework today, I need to protect the couch and my Lazy-Boy chair this afternoon. <me> Ok, but I feel badly. Walter needs the...