Archive for the 'Cool dog stuff ' Category

Pumpkin Patch is Dog Enrichment
My life with a reactive hound, Sherman lives his life through his nose! It is family tradition to visit the Pumpkin Patch. This year we decided to help Sherm with his leash reactivity and use this as a training experience....

Wordless Wednesday: Haystack Rock
A Tuesday at Haystack Rock…..with the hounds. This is Cannon Beach near Portland, Oregon. Hike near the Haystack rocks! What are you doing this weekend?

Let’s Dispel the Myths About Probiotics for Dogs
Welcome! MitoMax: Top Three Myths About Probiotics #sponsored All my readers can receive 10% off by using this coupon code- mylifewdogs when you check out. (I do get a few pennies if you buy something from Imagilin). This is the second article...

National Dog Walk Week: Ways to Light Up Your Dog Walks
Knuckle Lights #sponsored (I was given a pair of Knuckle lights for an honest review so I reviewed them as part of this round-up. The other product I bought on my own and the collar I haven’t personally tested but...

Consider a Painting of Your Senior Dog
Ryan Jordan is known for his “Day of the Dead” doxie paintings. I commissioned some artwork from him this year and sent a picture of Bruiser to him to get his creative juices flowing. I’m so happy with the painting!...

The Bow Wow Film Festival Comes to Portland on October 16
More about Project Unconditional! The Bow Wow Film Festival is coming to The Hollywood Theater on Sunday, Oct. 16. It starts at 5 p.m. and tickets as well as the trailer can be found here: Tickets are $10 general...

Chewy Fall Review: Rain is Back #Chewy Influencer
#Sponsored It’s Chewy time! Below is a short video about the Chewy box we received and brought with us on our Mt. Hood hike last weekend. It was very wet but it’s nice to have training treats during hikes. (The...

Acupuncture with Bruiser: National Dog Week
Healthy & Balanced Internal Physiology is key for all dogs according to Dr. Patricia McDonnell. I attended Dr. Patricia McConnell’s webinar last week on Building Resilience In Our Dogs. So letting dogs spend time outdoors is super effective so ALL dogs...

Do your dogs swim? Wordless Wednesday
Do your dogs swim? Are your dogs good swimmers? Or do they just stand in the water like mine? When I’m with our dogs on hikes or walks near the water, this Mary Oliver poem sums it up. “A dog...

Teckelklub Review & Giveaway: Fall Fashion with Bruisy #sponsored
#Sponsored Teckelklub: Fall Fashion with Bruisy Teckelklub launched their new Rover Plaid 2016 | 2017 Collection at the World Pet Association National Show for Pet Retailers Superzoo this past August. I love fall fashion. Our hounds don’t wear “clothes” but...